Performance marketing agency:
Become the #1 in your industry

More sales through SEO, Google Ads & CRO!

Multi-certified performance marketing agency

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Do you know that?

New customers come only rarely and by chance

Your cold calling is ineffective and you can 't plan for new customers every month. What's more, you're chasing after potential customers for months: you lose a lot of time and nerves due to the slow acquisition process.

Your existing customers have the say

Since your existing customers generate a large part of your sales, you must constantly respond to their demands - otherwise they could drop out and your sales would plummet.

Your competition overtakes you

Although you may have optimized your website, your competitors appear above you in Google search results - taking customers away from you and preventing you from receiving inquiries.

We have the solution

Just imagine...

... that you are the first point of contact for your prospective customers when they are looking for an offer like yours.
... Every month, countless potential buyers with genuine buying intentions search for offers like yours.
... How easy could acquisition be if you can always be found at the top of Google searches for precisely these interested parties?

...and this is how it works

Google floods your email inbox with qualified requests every day:


Solution search

Your potential customers are actively looking for solutions to their problems on Google.

Your website

Your website is at the top of the Google results page thanks to our SEO & SEA optimizations.

New order

They click on your website & buy your products thanks to our conversion optimization .

Our customers celebrate these successes every day

In our collaboration, we transformed their websites into real acquisition machines through SEO, SEA & CRO.
Now they receive new inquiries every day thanks to top rankings.

This can also become your reality

Our customers were in a similar situation as you are right now.
Check out their success stories now to see how everything turned around!

How to turn your website into an eternal acquisition machine

1. ROI first - through
conversion optimization!

First, we optimize the conversion rate of your website so that your existing website visitors are more likely to complete a purchase and your investment pays off directly. We optimize the user experience on your website: Your existing website visitors should be as likely as possible to make an inquiry.

2. your website at #1 - through SEO & Google Ads!

With our agency, you benefit from a comprehensive combination of SEO and Google Ads to bring your brand to the forefront: Our holistic search engine optimization ensures that your website is at the top of relevant search queries. At the same time, we set up customized Google Ads campaigns that generate immediate traffic. With this interaction, you will become the industry leader and reach your ideal target group quickly and effectively.

3. your brand as an industry leader in Google - through SEO!

With our holistic SEO, we make your brand number 1 when your product is searched for in Google. We take care of every step of search engine optimization: from on-page SEO, technical SEO and content creation to off-page SEO. With our customized SEO strategies, your reach and visibility will explode, making you the undisputed number 1 in your industry and ensuring that everyone immediately associates your product with your name.

4. instant traffic and sales - through Google Ads!

With our customized Google Ads campaigns, we bring immediate traffic to your website. We target your campaigns so that you directly reach your ideal target group. We then continuously manage your campaign by looking for new potential for optimization, making efficient use of your budget. This way, your ads will perform cost-efficiently and deliver immediate results so that you can directly generate new customers.

...and then the following advantages become your reality:

Plannable new customer acquisition

You no longer have to worry about acquiring new customers, as your website is now at the top of the list . Your email inbox: flooded with new orders and inquiries every month. Your competition: behind you.

Independence from existing customers

The constant stream of new customers will make you independent of the demands of your existing customers and you will be more confident in your actions than ever before .

Easy acquisition talks

You forget what "objection handling" actually is: thanks to SEO and Google Ads, potential customers searching for you come to you with real buying intentions, making every acquisition meeting a breeze for you.

Sounds good - and why with elato?

Good question. It's best to let our customers answer it themselves:

So läuft unsere Zusammenarbeit ab:

In unserer Zusammenarbeit ist Dein Zeitaufwand minimal: wir übernehmen die Arbeit.
Das sind Deine nächsten Schritte, damit wir Deine Website zur Akquise-Maschine transformieren:



Frage zuerst einfach ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch auf unserer Website an.


Wir lernen uns telefonisch kennen und sprechen über Deine Ziele, sodass wir uns gemeinsam perfekt auf das Beratungsgespräch vorbereiten.


Im Beratungsgespräch zeigen wir Dir die Potenziale Deiner Website auf: Wir gehen auf die Marktsituation Deiner Branche ein und geben dir einen individuellen Step-by-Step-Plan mit den nötigen Schritten, um Deine Website ganz nach oben zu bringen.

Unsere Zusammenarbeit

Wenn Du nach dem Beratungsgespräch die Option wählst, mit uns zusammen zu arbeiten, kannst Du Dich zurücklehnen und uns die Arbeit überlassen: Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung in unzähligen SEO- und Google Ads Projekten bist Du in sicheren Händen.

Schnelle Ergebnisse & volle Transparenz.

Schon nach 4 Wochen erhältst Du Ergebnisse in einem Report, damit Du den Fortschritt Deiner Website stets verfolgen kannst.

Contact form

Simply fill out the contact form – we will get back to you shortly!

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    By submitting this form, you consent to us storing and processing the data entered in the contact form for the purpose of responding to your inquiry, preparing an offer, or contacting you. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
    Satisfied customers
    0 +
    Ø organic traffic increase
    + 0 %
    Generated traffic value
    0 + Mio €
    Ø Top 3 rankings for the defined keyword groups
    + 0 %
    Ø Top 10 rankings for the defined keyword groups
    + 0 %

    Let's get started...

    ... and flood your e-mail inbox with new quality inquiries and sales every day!

    Click the button and take the first step towards your personal acquisition machine:

    Known from the press

    With over 10 years of experience and 150+ projects, we have made a name for ourselves that is also reported in the media. Here you can see what the press has reported about us:

    Performance Marketing Agentur FAQ

    If you don’t see an answer to your question, you can ask us here.

    Performance SEO is ROI-based SEO with a focus on quickly achieving measurable results through target-oriented strategies. Performance SEO is data-driven: through the constant analysis of data and the measures derived from this, it is possible to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI) within a very short time. It is therefore more than just "generating visibility" and "strengthening the brand": it is an approach that focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of SEO measures in order to increase your traffic and therefore sales as quickly as possible.

    If you work with our performance marketing agency, we guarantee that you will receive positive ranking results for your keywords within the first 2 months - otherwise we will refund your money.

    After just 4 weeks, we will send you results with the most important sales figures in the form of a report so that you can always see the progress of your website up close.

    With our SEO packages, you no longer have to worry about anything, as our performance marketing agency will take care of all the work for you, including:

    - On-page SEO (e.g. Content optimization through the right keywords & optimization of the structure of your website)


    Off-page SEO (e.g. building Mannheim backlinks)

    - Technical SEO (e.g. optimization of loading times and website security)

    - Local SEO (e.g.

    optimization for


    search queries



    SEO (

    e.g. optimization for local search queries using local keywords)


    Mobile SEO (e.g. adapting the website to mobile devices to improve the user experience)

    - Content marketing (e.g. Creation of target group-specific content to increase rankings)


    SEO reports (evaluation of SEO successes)

    All measures are aimed at increasing the user experience on your website and the presence of your website on the internet. As a result, Google will recognize your website as an authority and your website will be placed at the top.

    You are missing out on 83.33% of potential customers if your website is not in Google's top 3 search results for your keyword. If your website is ranked outside the top 3 search results for your keyword, you should engage in SEO so that you get the qualified traffic you deserve - not your competitors.

    We cannot give you a general price, as the price always depends on the current status of your website, your competition and the keywords for which you want to optimize your website.
    After the initial consultation for your website, we can give you more detailed information about the price. Click here to arrange an initial consultation with our performance marketing agency now.

    The exponential effect: In contrast to paid traffic (Pay Per Click, PPC), organic traffic generated by SEO is free of charge and offers the extremely great advantage of the exponential effect:
    Due to the high ranking of your website through our targeted SEO measures, Google recognizes your website as an "authority". The result: If you create new subpages and we make them SEO-friendly, you will see positive SEO results in no time at all - in other words, your website will rank high, which means you will be found by people searching for your exact product/service. This happens because Google has already recognized from your existing pages/content that your website delivers high-quality content.

    Wealso optimize the content on your website with our SEO agency Mannheim: This improves the user experience, which in turn results in a higher conversion rate and more sales for you.

    First, simply request a free consultation with our performance marketing agency by clickinghere . We will then contact you shortly by phone to discuss your situation and your goals.

    Want to find out more about SEO, SEA & CRO? – Then take a look at our glossary!

    Kevin Posdnikow, CEO.

    From “invisible” to “unmissable” :

    Let’s take the first step together now!

    Michael Posdnikow, CEO.