SEO Case Study

How PAJ exploded through the right SEO strategy, the establishment of a blog and internationalization in Google and became the market leader for GPS trackers

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+588 %
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Over 28,000
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+251 %

+74% Domainrating

Company presentation

PAJ is the market leader for GPS trackers based in North Rhine-Westphalia. With their comprehensive GPS solutions in the areas of car, child, dog and cat GPS trackers (and much more), they and their customers pursue the goal of finding lost property. They act as dealers, developers and consultants. From its beginnings in the nursery, PAJ has grown into a company with 6 locations spread across 3 continents and over 50 employees dedicated to developing and implementing innovative GPS technologies to protect everything their customers care about.

Initial situation & challenges

Before the start of the SEO project, PAJ generated the majority of their sales through channels other than Google (mainly Amazon, affiliate sales, and fillial sales). Despite already being the market leader in GPS trackers in Germany at the time, they were only positioned on page 2 for most of their relevant keywords.
In view of this, it was clear that PAJ’s visibility had to be strengthened through search engine optimization so that sales could also be generated via this channel and its position as market leader could be secured. In addition, the dependence on paid advertising campaigns should be reduced.

SEO Audit - that Website Analysis PAJs

In order to secure its market-leading position in Google through SEO, PAJ’s SEO presence had to be analyzed and completely revised. The first measure was to create an SEO audit (or SEO analysis) for PAJ’s website. The aim was to examine the website for all SEO-relevant elements. These elements were analyzed in the SEO audit:

Results of the SEO audit

The SEO audit showed that there was a lot of potential on the PAJ website to significantly increase the visibility and findability of the site in Google. The biggest anomalies were in the following areas:

Detection of keyword cannibalization:

On the one hand, we noticed keyword cannibalization. This means that several pages on the website were competing for the same keywords. This dilutes the relevance of the pages for search engines, which means that all pages involved in keyword cannibalization were “penalized” by Google, resulting in low rankings.

Incorrect internal linking:

In addition, the internal linking was faulty. For example, the same anchor text was used to link to different subpages. This not only impaired user-friendliness, but also SEO effectiveness.

Headline structure difficult to interpret:

The heading structure was also inadequate: some pages had more than 40 headings, multiple h1 headings and an incorrect hierarchy of headings. This made it difficult for search engines to correctly interpret the content of the page and then rank the pages accordingly.

Lack of keywords:

Important keywords were missing on many pages, which significantly reduced the chance of good rankings for the relevant keywords.

Unclear footer:

In addition, the footer contained too many links. This detracted from the clarity and user-friendliness of the site.

Incorrect external links:

Furthermore, the external links did not have a nofollow tag. This meant that the website lost SEO strength due to the high number of external links.

Detection of 404 errors:

In addition, 404 errors were discovered, which led to a poor user experience and had a negative impact on the page’s ranking.

Discover duplicate content:

Finally, duplicate content was also found – i.e. that there was identical content on several pages. This had a negative impact on the ranking, as search engines had difficulty identifying the page relevant to the keyword.

Enormous SEO potential:

In summary, the SEO audit at PAJ showed that several fundamental SEO errors need to be corrected in order to improve the visibility and efficiency of the website and ultimately generate more traffic and conversions.

Based on the SEO audit, the appropriate measures for PAJ’s website were derived, prioritized and implemented.

SEO measures for PAJ

Among other things, the following SEO measures were taken to optimize the PAJ website for search engines:

Elimination of keyword cannibalization:

Keyword cannibalization was eliminated by combining pages with similar content and separating the pages according to keywords. This prevented several pages from competing for the same keyword, which in turn had a positive effect on the rankings of the pages.

Establishment of a silo structure:

A silo structure was established – i.e. the website was organized in such a way that thematically related content was grouped into clearly delineated areas (which had a positive effect on both user-friendliness and search engine comprehension).

Optimization of the heading structure:

A logical, hierarchical and keyword-optimized heading structure was implemented to enable search engines to correctly interpret and evaluate the content.

Keyword optimizations:

The SEO texts, SEO titles, meta descriptions and alt texts were comprehensively optimized to increase the relevance of the pages for certain keywords and improve the click-through rate in the search results.

Streamlining of the footer:

The footer has been streamlined by removing unnecessary links, making the site clearer and more user-friendly.

Adjustment ofexternal links:

All external links were given a nofollow tag to preserve the SEO strength of the site.

Correction of the 404 error:

The 404 errors have been fixed, improving the user experience and avoiding negative effects on the ranking.

Elimination of duplicate content:

Duplicate content was eliminated by merging duplicate pages and using 301 redirects. This prevented confusion for search engines and strengthened the authority of the individual pages.

OffPage optimization

Off-page optimization was carried out, continuously building links to increase Google’s authority and trust.


The SEO measures were also raised to an international level in order to reach even more interested parties. SEO was also carried out for the Italian website, enabling PAJ to rank in the top 3 for its relevant keywords and benefit from the high rankings.

Trafficexplosion through the introduction of a blog

The biggest key to PAJ’s SEO success was to introduce a blog. This blog was carefully planned and implemented to publish several monthly how-to articles on various GPS tracker-related topics.

Why was a blog introduced?

The main motivation, as with all other SEO measures, was to strengthen the PAJ brand and increase awareness in order to attract even more visitors and generate sales.

However, the blog articles were also intended to act as a kind of “insurance policy”: Before the launch of the blog, PAJ’s very good rankings were subject to high volatility. The volatility was due to the many Google algorithm updates: Google prefers a mixture of commercial and informative content. Expert sites and authorities are given a “leap of faith”. Due to their position as experts, expert websites can achieve high rankings much faster.

Before the blog article campaign began, PAJ only achieved rankings for commercial keywords. As informative content had been missing from PAJ’s website, we were at a higher risk of rankings dropping during Google updates.

By introducing a blog, we wanted to protect the very good rankings: By publishing a lot of relevant content around the topic of GPS trackers, we wanted to increase the “topical authority” and now also position PAJ as a recognized expert in Google.

We therefore wanted to benefit twice from the blog: firstly, through more brand awareness, more visitors to the blog articles, who would later also buy products, and secondly, to position PAJ as an authority and further expand its SEO dominance.

How the blog was introduced: Keyword and content research

In order to create successful blog articles, we first carried out comprehensive content and keyword research. Our aim was to identify topics for the blog articles that have a high search volume. Without this basis, the blog articles would “disappear into nothing” and not attract any visitors.

Analysis through our SERP overlap tool

During the research, we took special care not to cause keyword cannibalization. This means that we made sure that several pages of PAJ’s website did not rank for the same keyword and thus compete with each other in Google. This would affect the overall SEO performance of the pages. Specifically, we only ever created one page for each topic searched for. If there were synonyms for the searched topic, we also integrated these into the article instead of creating new pages. We used our own “SERP Overlap Tool” to ensure whether a new page was necessary for a search term or whether two URLs were required. We entered the two search terms into the tool and received a recommendation from our tool as to whether both keywords could be covered within one page or whether a new page should be created.

The right text creation

When creating the text, analyzing the search intent was crucial. We analyzed the search results (a so-called “SERP analysis”) in order to design our content in the same way as the top-ranked competition. This allowed us to ensure that we were meeting user expectations when they typed the search term into Google. However, we also made sure to provide deeper insights than the competition to set PAJ’s content apart. We keyword-optimized PAJ’s text and headlines to achieve the best possible visibility in search engines. We also optimized the word count of the texts. We used relevant keywords in natural contexts and avoided the “mere spamming” of keywords. We optimized the URL, SEO titles and meta descriptions of the pages. To increase the user experience and visitor dwell time, we supplemented our content with images and videos as well as useful tools such as calculators and optimized the ALT titles of the images. By increasing engagement, we again provided Google with positive signals from our site, which helped it to rank better.

Internal linking of blog articles

When creating the blog articles, we specifically linked PAJ’s commercial pages where they offer their products and services. This signals to Google that these landing pages are particularly relevant to the topic of the blog. This positions the landing pages as authorities in their specialist area – the result: significantly higher visibility through higher rankings.

Offpage optimization of blog articles

Offpage optimization is also an important part of running a blog in order to increase the visibility of blog articles. We regularly set external links to the blog articles. These external links signal to Google the relevance and authority of the blog articles.

Double the power in link building

This external linking of blog articles as part of off-page optimization even gives us a “double power” here: on the one hand, the blog articles themselves are linked externally. And secondly, PAJs commercial landing pages are linked because, as already mentioned, they have already been linked within the blog articles as part of the internal linking. This creates a double linking structure. Both the blog articles and the linked commercial landing pages benefit from the external links. This double linking strategy strengthens the SEO position of both pages and helps to establish PAJ’s most important content as an authority in its field.

Regular blog article publication through editorial plan

We also made sure to publish blog articles regularly and keep them up to date in order to always provide Google with positive signals. An editorial plan helped us to continuously deliver and update new content. This allowed us to keep track of our publications. Our plan was realistic and offered enough flexibility to react to current topics and trends. Through a well-thought-out editorial plan, we managed to publish new, quality content regularly and consistently, which had a positive impact on PAJ’s rankings.

You can find an overview of the most important SEO measures here:


The results of PAJ show:

Consistency is key. Over the years, PAJ’s SEO strategy has had to be adjusted several times due to a number of Google updates, some of which have “shaken up” the rankings. Since the publication of the blog articles, however, the volatility of the rankings has decreased significantly and we have been able to position ourselves in the top 3 for all important keywords in the long term. By constantly staying on the ball, we were able to develop PAJ into the SEO top dog for GPS trackers. Optimal SEO therefore requires a high degree of flexibility and unconventional measures in order to respond to Google updates in the best possible way.

Und das sagt Salind über unsere Zusammenarbeit
Satisfied customers
0 +
Ø organic traffic increase
+ 0 %
Generated traffic value
0 + Mio €
Ø Top 3 rankings for the defined keyword groups
+ 0 %
Ø Top 10 rankings for the defined keyword groups
+ 0 %

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    Performance SEO is ROI-based SEO with a focus on quickly achieving measurable results through target-oriented strategies. Performance SEO is data-driven: through the constant analysis of data and the measures derived from this, it is possible to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI) within a very short time. It is therefore more than just "generating visibility" and "strengthening the brand": it is an approach that focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of SEO measures in order to increase your traffic and therefore sales as quickly as possible.

    If you work with our performance marketing agency, we guarantee that you will receive positive ranking results for your keywords within the first 2 months - otherwise we will refund your money.

    After just 4 weeks, we will send you results with the most important sales figures in the form of a report so that you can always see the progress of your website up close.

    With our SEO packages, you no longer have to worry about anything, as our performance marketing agency will take care of all the work for you, including:

    - On-page SEO (e.g. Content optimization through the right keywords & optimization of the structure of your website)


    Off-page SEO (e.g. building Mannheim backlinks)

    - Technical SEO (e.g. optimization of loading times and website security)

    - Local SEO (e.g.

    optimization for


    search queries



    SEO (

    e.g. optimization for local search queries using local keywords)


    Mobile SEO (e.g. adapting the website to mobile devices to improve the user experience)

    - Content marketing (e.g. Creation of target group-specific content to increase rankings)


    SEO reports (evaluation of SEO successes)

    All measures are aimed at increasing the user experience on your website and the presence of your website on the internet. As a result, Google will recognize your website as an authority and your website will be placed at the top.

    You are missing out on 83.33% of potential customers if your website is not in Google's top 3 search results for your keyword. If your website is ranked outside the top 3 search results for your keyword, you should engage in SEO so that you get the qualified traffic you deserve - not your competitors.

    We cannot give you a general price, as the price always depends on the current status of your website, your competition and the keywords for which you want to optimize your website.
    After the initial consultation for your website, we can give you more detailed information about the price. Click here to arrange an initial consultation with our performance marketing agency now.

    The exponential effect: In contrast to paid traffic (Pay Per Click, PPC), organic traffic generated by SEO is free of charge and offers the extremely great advantage of the exponential effect:
    Due to the high ranking of your website through our targeted SEO measures, Google recognizes your website as an "authority". The result: If you create new subpages and we make them SEO-friendly, you will see positive SEO results in no time at all - in other words, your website will rank high, which means you will be found by people searching for your exact product/service. This happens because Google has already recognized from your existing pages/content that your website delivers high-quality content.

    Wealso optimize the content on your website with our SEO agency Mannheim: This improves the user experience, which in turn results in a higher conversion rate and more sales for you.

    First, simply request a free consultation with our performance marketing agency by clickinghere . We will then contact you shortly by phone to discuss your situation and your goals.

    Kevin Posdnikow, CEO.

    From “invisible” to “unmissable” :

    Let’s take the first step together now!

    Michael Posdnikow, CEO.